Thursday, October 2, 2008

Kalamma :D My Goddess.

Every Morning at 6 am dot, bells rings, and when I open the door My maid comes in. House sparkles loud with the pleasure of receiving attention after kalamma leaves.
I thank my lucky stars that I found her who not just cleans my house but also teaches me the importance of being on time, along with diligence and dedication. Breaking all my prejudices. She is the living example that punctuality and assiduousness are not part of the privileged part of the society, but its an innate nature with some miraculous individuals. She teaches me that if I accept to take up a job I should give the job same attention everyday and be as enthusiastic about doing it each day.
Daily chores don't demand much creativity, but they can hinder a clean living, causing one's back to itch subconsciously. I thank Kalamma for cleaning, the mess and doing it everyday with out complaining. I ask myself if I can keep up a cheerful face to go and clean someone else's dirt. NO. I already know the answer. only gods have that ability. KALAMMA is Goddess.

Name : Kala (amma= mother)
Age: 34
Weight : 42 kgs
Height : 4 f 11"
marital status: married for 20 years to an alchoholic auto driver
Previous work Ex : 10 years in the rice fields , 18 years of working as house help.
Interests : likes music, specially telugu film songs, likes to be photographed.
objectives : to send her daughter to Dubai as a NURSE. and get her married to a nice non-alchoholic Lorry driver (:D)
Life moto: Don't trust men, work to fend for yourself


Siddhartha Sampath said...

Resonates V-akka. Good stuff.

Kaliblane said...

Wow! I didn't know all this about Kalamma. Its great to hear she's being as supportive as ever :) Must be so cool for you and your new flatmate :)