Monday, February 23, 2009


I read somewhere that " A good story is one that gives rise to a thousand parallels and yet, by some inexplicable magic remains unique"

My life may seem absolutely similar to many other Indian girls, same insecurities, equally crazy blind and banal beliefs about life, topped with various idiosyncrasies.
I know that my experiences are mine uniquely and how I react to them is an absolute choice I made...
You know; I understand that when life throws at me its chances and how receive them has nothing to do with how my parents brought me up not how I was treated as a child not even how many times life and people were unfair with me.
I enjoy this "EXCLUSIVELY MINE" life...
My story might have started same as everyone else's by pushing out of my mothers womb... may also end on the pyre burnt down to ashes that resembles the ashes of all. I may have similar intervals and not so original actions...
BUT the voice I bring to my life... my very own touch.
Though identified as billion others yet unique in my own way as is my finger prints...

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