Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I talk to her and she is so attentive, when I'm lonesome she smiles at me with her tail,expressing more with her tail in seconds than I could ever express with my tongue in hours. She understands my moods and obeys my commands, When I am in the Room she sees nothing BUT me, When she looks at me so attentively, and gently licks my hands and my face it feels like I have conquered the world, Such adoration and such unconditional love...
Her dragon breath wakes me up every morning. EVERY TIME I come back home, even if I had to have left for a few minutes she shows HOW much she missed me...
the way she greets me... and then rubs her nose on my new clothes, For the good Lord knows what I did to get PEPSI, MY heartbeat she is.

She is like a compass only she points to ME not to North...


Rachana Vinay said...


D!! said...

Beautiful!!..was moist eyed by the end of it!!..doggies are the most fabulous creatures that were put on the planet..and sharing ur life with one makes u a better person it think!!..

Loved it!!... n i love peppy pepsi too!!..

Srinidhi said...

why we love our doggies so is written all over your post! how can we not love them?? they are always so amazing!!! :D loved your post! and i agree with D i was moist eyed by the end of it too!!
yaayy to pepsi and all of dog kind! :)